To add a course, go to the top menu and select Courses:

You can search for your course here, and if you can't find it, click on 'add new course' at the bottom of the screen:

This will take you to the Add a Course page. Courses are organized into Golf Clubs, that can have multiple courses; and courses that can have multiple sets of tees. The process has three steps:
Step 1: Enter the Golf Club name and address

If your golf club has more than one course (for example: the Olympic Golf Club has 3 courses: the Lakes Course, the Ocean Course and the Cliffs Course) then answer "yes" on the "does this golf club have more than one course" question and you will be taken to step 2:

Then when you are done entering the courses, you will be taken to step 3 where you enter the tee information.

If your golf club only has one course (for example: Lake Merced Golf Club has only one course, then the course name and the club name is the same) then answer "no" to the question "does this golf club have more than 1 course?" and you will be taken straight to step 3. When you are done inputting the required information, press the "save" button in the top right hand corner.

That's it! Your are done adding a course! Now you can use the "add a round" feature to add a round to this course!