Note: This tutorial is for Coaches who are ‘Super Users’. Typically one coach per team has the functionality described below. Super users are coaches on the Anova for Teams plans or the Academy plans, that have available players to sponsor.
When logging in to your coach account, the first screen you’ll see is the ’rounds’ feed. This will show you all of the most recent rounds that have been added by players linked to your coach account.

If you are just starting out, this screen is empty as you don’t have any players linked to your account yet. So we need to go to ‘Players’, and then click on the sub-menu ‘Sponsored’.

Now is the time to add our first player. If the player you’re adding doesn’t have an active Anova account, we need create an account for that person, so we click on ‘Add New Player +’.

This takes you to the screen where you need to enter the player’s name, email and class:

After you have added the required information, the player will receive an email with his/her login credentials, and can get started right away! After you’ve successfully added a player, this player will show up in your sponsored list: